open house 1.家庭招待會〔賓客可隨意來去〕。2.(學校,機關等)開...
1.家庭招待會〔賓客可隨意來去〕。 2.(學校,機關等)開放參觀。 “open“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.開著的,開放的;可進入的,可分享的 (to ...“house“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. houses ) 1.房屋,住宅;住家; ...“keep an open house“ 中文翻譯: 盛情招待客人“keep open house“ 中文翻譯: 廣延賓客“open bridge house“ 中文翻譯: 敞式橋樓,露天橋樓; 露天(開敝)橋樓; 露天橋樓“open-house day at the vic“ 中文翻譯: 維也納國際中心啟用節“open-timber house“ 中文翻譯: 露木房屋“a house“ 中文翻譯: 家室; 一棟房子; 一所房子; 一座殿宇“house“ 中文翻譯: n. 豪斯〔姓氏〕。 n. (pl. houses ) 1.房屋,住宅;住家;一家,一戶。 2.家,家庭;家務。 3.家族;王朝。 4.建筑物,館;商號,社,所,機構;〔美國〕旅館;戲院。 5.〔集合詞〕觀眾,聽眾;演出的場次。 6.(英國式大學)宿舍;全體寄宿生。 7.房間,室。 8.(牲畜、家禽等的)欄,房,棚;(儀器)罩。 9.(大學等的)校董會(會議);宗教團體;修道院。 10.〔the H-〕議會;議院〔特指下院〕;〔集合詞〕議員。 11.〔口語〕倫敦證券交易所。 12.(牛津大學的)基督學院 (Christ Church College)。 13.〔英俚〕救貧院。 An Englishman's house is his castle. 〔諺語〕英國人的家是他的堡壘,非請不得擅入。 Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 〔諺語〕不要為了驅鼠而焚燒房屋;勿因小失大。 the house of David 大衛王室。 Johnson H- 〔英國〕=〔美國〕the Johnson house 約翰遜宅。 a business house商店。 H- Full=Full H- 【戲劇】客滿。 a hash house〔美國〕小飯館。 a rogue house〔口語〕監牢。 The house rose to its feet. 全場起立。 The second house starts at 9. 第二場9時開演。 thin house 觀眾稀少。 the White H- 〔美國〕白宮。 Name not a halter [rope] in his house that hanged himself. 〔諺語〕房里有人吊死,千萬別提繩子。 as safe as houses [a house]十分安全。 be in possession of the H- 在議會中發言。 bow down in the H- of Rimmon 為妥協以達到一致行動而犧牲自己的原則〔源出《圣經》《列王紀》〕。 bring down the house 博得滿場喝采。 bring the house about one's ears 在家中成為眾矢之的。 (burn) like a house on fire 燃燒得又快又猛。 carry the house 博得滿場喝采。 clean house 1. 打掃房屋。 2. 內部清洗 (=houseclean)。 count the house 計算出席人數。 eat sb. out of house and home 把某人吃窮。 enter the H- 當選為議員。 from house to house 挨家挨戶。 give sb. a lot of house 〔美俚〕給某人很多鼓勵。 houseand home 家〔加強語氣的說法〕。 house of assignation 妓院。 H- of Burgesses 〔美國〕州眾議院。 house of call 1. 職業介紹所,待雇所。 2. 常去的場所〔如酒店等〕。 house of cards 小孩子用紙牌搭成的房子;不牢靠的計劃。 H- of Commons 〔英國〕眾議院,下院。 house of correction 教養院,改造所。 H- of Delegates 〔美國〕州參議院。 house of detention 拘留所。 house of God 教堂。 houseof ill fame 妓院。 H- of Lords 〔英國〕貴族院,上院。 houseof refuge 難民收容所;養育院。 H- of Representatives 〔美國〕眾議院。 iron house 〔美俚〕監牢。 keep a good house 待客周到。 keep house 料理家務;當家。 keep house with 和…同住。 keep open house [doors, table] 好客,隨時歡迎來客。 keep the [one's] house 待在家中不外出。 make [keep] a H- (英下院)使出席議員達法定人數40人。 make sb. free of one's house 讓某人自由使用自己的房子。 move house 搬家。 on the house 〔美俚〕主人開銷的,免費的。 play house “做家家”〔兒童假裝大人做家務〕。 public house 1. 公共會堂。 2. 〔英國〕酒館。 put [set] one's house in order 整理家務;進行必要的改革。 the big house 〔美俚〕(州或聯邦的)監獄。 the dark house 〔委婉語〕墳墓。 the half-way house 1. 兩市鎮間的客店。 2. 妥協。 the house that Jack built 1. 〔戲謔語〕重復的故事。 2. 〔俚語〕監獄。 the narrow house 墳墓。 the pudding house 〔俚語〕胃,肚子。 the semidetached house 與別家共一道墻的獨立住宅。 the third house 〔美國〕“第三院”,國會外的實力派,院外活動集團。 vt. 1.供給…房子住[用];收容,接待,留宿。 2.覆蔽,庇護。 3.收藏。 4.【建筑】嵌入;【航海】安置(炮臺);收好(桅木)。 5.給(機器、齒輪)裝外罩。 houseone's books 收藏書籍。 vi. 1.住。 2.躲藏 (up) 到達安全處所。 “in house“ 中文翻譯: 內部的; 室內的; 指將諸如分銷商“in the house“ 中文翻譯: 在屋子里“in-house“ 中文翻譯: adj. 由本機構內部產生的,機構內部的。 “it′s on the house“ 中文翻譯: 我忙的不可開交“on the house“ 中文翻譯: 由店家出錢, 由酒館老板付錢, 免費地“the house“ 中文翻譯: 應該是指議會; 尤其是下議院; 御品大廈“be open to“ 中文翻譯: 對...開放, 愿接受...的; 向……開放,愿意接受“in the open“ 中文翻譯: 在戶外;在露天; 在野外“into the open“ 中文翻譯: 公開化, 出現“open“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.開著的,開放的;可進入的,可分享的 (to); 無蓋的,敞口的;敞開的;展開的;開的;開闊的,開曠的,廣漠的。 2.公開的,公共的,出入自由的;自由的,無限制的。 3.寬大的,豪爽的,豁達的;易受…的 (to); 議論自由的,有議論余地的;未決定的;未決算的;取舍自由的,選擇自由的;【軍事】不設防的。 4.坦白的,直率的;公然的,非秘密的。 5.(商店、展覽會等)開著的;(戲院)開演著的;活動著的。 6.【語音】開口音的;末尾為母音音節的;【音樂】不用指按的,開鍵的;空弦的。 7.有空的,有空隙的;(針織品)粗疏的;【印刷】版面疏松的。 8.(河等)沒有冰涼的;冰雪不厲害的,(天氣)溫和的。 9.〔美國〕無法律限制的,公許的,(賭場)不受禁止的;不征收關稅[通行稅等]的,(港)自由的。 10.【醫學】(大便)暢通的。 an open window 開著的窗子。 an open boat 無甲板的船。 an open car 敞篷車。 an open field 空曠的田野。 an open road 暢通無阻的道路。 the open sea 公海。 an open port 不凍港;自由港,通商口岸。 an open shop 〔美國〕自由雇用企業〔指可自由雇用非工會會員的工廠[商店]〕。 an open system 外通系統。 an open winter 無冰凍的冬天。 the open water in arctic regions 北極地區的不冰封海面。 leave the matter open 把事情擱著暫不解決。 There are three courses open to us. 我們有三條路可以走。 an open account 往來賬戶。 an open season [time] 漁獵解禁期。 The bowels are open. 【醫學】大便暢通。 be open to 1. 易接受 (He is open to advice. 他容易接受忠告)。 2. 易受 (The city is open to attack. 該市易受攻擊)。 3. 對…開著門。 be open with sb. about sth. 關于某事對某人毫無隱瞞。 in the open air 在戶外[野外]。 keep an open door [house, table] 歡迎來客,好客。 keep one's eyes [ears] open 留心地看著[聽著];保持警惕。 open as the day 光明磊落,開誠布公。 throw open the door to 送機會給…,迎接…。 with an open hand 大方,慷慨。 with open arms 張著手臂,熱烈(歡迎)。 with eyes open =with open eyes 睜著眼睛;留神;吃驚地。 with open hands=with an open hand. with open mouth 1. 張著口,想說。 2. 天真地。 3. 啞然;伸長脖子(等)。 n. 〔the open〕空地,曠場,曠野;汪洋大海;露天,戶外。 be in the open 是公開的。 come (out) into the open 公開;表明心意。 in open 公然。 in the open 露天,在戶外。 vt. 1.開;打開;【醫學】切開,割開(腹部等);開墾,開發,開辟,啟發。 2.公開,開放;張開(翅膀),伸開,展開;【軍事】疏開(隊列);開始;開立;開設。 3.泄露;揭開;表明 (to)。 4.解釋,說明,論。 5.【航海】(改變船位)來到看得見…的地方。 6.【電學】斷(電路)。 7.通(便)。 open a door 開門。 open a park 開放公園。 open a debate 開始辯論。 We opened a white pagoda to the port. 【航海】左舷方面看出一座白塔來了。 vi. 1.開;張開;裂開;(花)開;(瘡等)開口;變廣(大);(知識等)發達;廣闊地展開;(門、窗等)通向 (to into) 朝,向 (on)。 2.開始 (with) (獵狗嗅出鳥獸)吠起來;〔蔑稱〕(人)開口,說起話來。 3.【航海】(方向變化的結果)看得見;現出;展現。 4.散開;翻開;開炮。 Parliament opens today. 議會今天開會。 The ranks opened. 隊伍散開了。 O- at page 12. 請翻開第12頁。 open fire (on, at) (向…)開炮。 open into [on,onto]…通到,通向。 open one's eyes 睜眼;吃驚;使覺悟,啟發。 open out 開,張開,膨脹,展開;發展,發育;展現;出現;開誠布公,傾吐衷懷;【物理學】加速(open out to each other 互相融洽起來)。 open the door to 給…大開方便之門,給…造機會。 open up (打)開;割開;開發(資源);揭示;展現;開辟(可能性);開始;開火;開口(說話);滔滔不絕地談;透露。 open upon 朝向,俯瞰;展望。 n. -ness 開放;公開;坦白;無私;寬大。 “open as“ 中文翻譯: 打開為“open into“ 中文翻譯: 門打開后通向; 通往..; 通向“open on“ 中文翻譯: 通往..“open on to“ 中文翻譯: 通到“open to“ 中文翻譯: 不限制,開放的; 朝...開; 道路通向; 對…開放“open with“ 中文翻譯: 打開方式; 明線線路; 以...開始
open letter |
The cultural centre organizes special programmes with the aim of further expanding the audience base for the performing arts . exciting activities include open house , children s fun week , young talents day , hong kong dance day , holiday & thematic arts fairs , carol singing week and more . these programmes are well received by the public 曾舉辦及贊助的精彩節目包括同樂日、兒童娛樂周、新秀創藝嘉年華、香港舞蹈日、藝墟、齊來歡唱圣誕歌等,節目包羅萬有,深受各界人士歡迎。 |
Present methods generally based on the statistics of earthquake damage , expert experiences , theory analysis and experimental researches have obvious advantages , disadvantages and certain scopes of application ; ( 2 ) different prediction methods should be adopted against different building conditions , sites , intensity and experiences etc to predict earthquake damage of buildings for prospective accuracy , dependability and availability ; ( 3 ) earthquake damage matrix , which is the foundation of earthquake damage prediction , of 7 kinds of building in the urban areas of zhangzhou city under intensity 6 to 9 has been set up . the damage conditions of different buildings under different intensity are as followings : all kinds of structures are basically intact under intensity 6 ; the reinforced concrete structures are basically intact under intensity 7 , but other kinds of structures are destroyed slightly ; the reinforced concrete structures are still basically intact while other kinds of structures are destroyed intermediately under intensity 8 ; the reinforced concrete structures are destroyed slightly , single - story factories and open houses are destroyed intermediately and other kinds of structures are destroyed seriously under intensity 9 ; ( 4 ) the results of earthquake damage predicting of buildings embody the damage when earthquake happens in the future . thus , further identifications and reinforcements should be considered to buildings that will be destroyed intermediately or more under the earthquake with 10 % exceeding probability in future 50 years ; ( 5 ) the direct economic losses caused by damage of buildings resting with the area , structural type , intensity and damage of all kinds of buildings are the main part of the losses of the city in an earthquake ; ( 6 ) the direct economic losses increased progressively toward high intensity by 2 or 3 times 基于上述研究,得出的主要結論有:建筑物震害預測是一個模糊的、系統的、復雜的問題,現有的方法很多一般都是以震害統計規律、專家經驗、理論分析和試驗研究為依據,有其自身的優缺點和一定的適用范圍;應針對不同的建筑物條件、場地條件、地震強度和已有經驗等,采用不同的預測方法進行建筑物震害預測,以使預測結果達到預期的精確性、可靠性和可操作性;建立了漳州市區7類建筑物在6度9度地震作用下的震害矩陣,成為指導抗震防災的重要依據,各類結構的震害情況表現為: 6度地震作用下各類建筑物基本完好; 7度地震作用下除鋼筋混凝土結構基本完好外其余以建筑輕微破壞為主; 8度地震作用下鋼筋混凝土結構仍以基本完好為主而其余建筑以中等破壞為主; 9度地震作用下鋼筋混凝土結構以輕微破壞為主,單層工業廠房和空曠房屋以中等破壞為主,其余建筑以嚴重破壞為主;建筑物的震害預測結果體現了未來地震來臨時的震害程度,在編制漳州市區抗震防災規劃時,對于遭遇50年超越概率10的地震影響發生中等以上破壞的建筑物應考慮進行抗震鑒定和加固;由建筑物的破壞所造成的直接經濟損失是城市地震經濟損失的主要部分,重慶大學碩士學位論文中文摘要其主要與建筑物總面積、結構類型、地震烈度和各類建筑物的震害程度有關;不同烈度造成的直接經濟損失按2一3倍向高烈度方向遞增,漳州市區直接經濟損失由6度至9度的比例關系為1 : 2 . 8 : 8 . 6 : 22 . 8 ;遭遇基本地震設防烈度( 7度)時,漳州市區直接經濟損失約4 . 5億元,無家可歸人員約40000人,且以磚木結構和多層磚混結構的震害損失最大;地震造成的人員傷亡主要與建筑物倒塌及嚴重破壞的程度和總面積以及震時的建筑物室內人數密切相關,地震時無家可歸人員主要與住宅倒塌、嚴重破壞及中等破壞的程度和總面積以及城市人均居住面積密切相關。 |
Guests from other organizations all commented that our group was very organized and disciplined , and that they could hardly believe that such an event could have been realized with only a few days preparation . the open house was made possible through master s invisible blessings and the devotion of local fellow initiates 來自其它機構的貴賓都表示我們團體很有效率和紀律,難以置信這樣的的活動只用了少數幾天的時間做準部@ a這都要感謝師父無形的加持以及當地同修們的無我奉獻才能使其成為可能。 |
The housing design must break the close pattern , first the dynamic characteristic of social life demands that the residential environment formation must be an open system so that the residential formation and social life can suit for each other , secondly , the construction of residential environmental pattern is the outcome of a multi - level and multi - channel strategy , which requires an open housing design process involving common participation of multi - class and multi - role 住宅設計必須走出封閉,首先,社會生活的動態特徵要求居住環境形態必須是一種開放的體系,以達成居住形態與社會生活形態的互適;其次,居住環境形態的營造是多層次、多渠道決策活動的結果,它要求住宅的創作過程必須是一個包含多階層、多角色共同參與的開放過程。 |
I come from the chinese city of hohhot beautiful grasslands , where san water america , even the united states , my character gentle , kind , gentle , caring , nurturing , although i have entered middle age , but i still very much love life , love fashion , in spare time , i like sports , reading , travel more like a warm home to let me run , when fatigue return to the warmth of the day open house music , i feel that this is my life the happiest time of course , if i have a love of people and i love the weather and i with a beautiful time , it will be more of a happiness the matter 我來自中國美麗的草原城呼和浩特,這里的山青、水美、人更美,我的性格溫柔、善良、體貼、呵護,雖然我已步入中年,但我依然非常熱愛生活、熱愛時尚,在工作之余,我喜歡體育、看書、旅游,更喜歡有一個溫馨的家來讓我打理,每當疲勞了一天回到溫馨的家打開音樂,我會感覺到這是我一生中最快樂的時候,當然,如果有一個愛我的人和我愛的人和我在一起共度美好的時光,那將會是更加幸福的一件事。 |
To commemorate the sixth anniversary of the supreme master ching hai day , which first took place in chicago on february 22nd , 1994 , the montreal center organized an open house and vegetarian buffet after its usual sunday group meditation . the response was unexpectedly strong : many initiates , convenient method practitioners , friends , family members and special guests attended this festive event 為慶祝清海日六周年1994年在美國芝加哥頒訂2月22日為清海日,蒙特利爾小中心在例常周日共修之后,特別對外開放并舉辦了素食自助餐會,當天反應非常地熱烈,很多貴賓同修和修方便法的準同修及其朋友家人都來參加了這個盛宴。 |
The wind and the fog drop spurt out at the same time in the same apparatus . this air - cooling fan can be used both open houses and closed houses . a systematic study on this cooling system and the structure design has been made in this paper 對該系統進行了理論研究和結構設計與測試,并將降溫系統安裝在開放舍和半密閉舍進行了初步的降溫試驗,通過試驗表明,該種降溫系統能夠有效的解決開放舍夏季降溫問題。 |
In continuation , the latest technical trend topics from “ nhk strl s open house 2006 “ held at the end of may 2006 were presented by dr . yoshiaki shishikui , associate director of planning general affairs , science technical research laboratories of nhk 在此后的最新技術話題方面,由nhk放送技術研究所企劃總務副部長鹿?義明先生介紹了在今年5月下旬舉辦的“ nhk技術公開2006 ”展覽上的代表性話題。 |
The school had held many activities such as talent shows , fun games about wastes , lectures and speeches of the experts and professionals , field trips , open houses and so on to claim for the concepts of the recycling , trash reduction and something else 透過才藝競賽、廢棄物趣味競賽、邀請專家學者演講、環保有獎徵答、舉辦環保參觀活動、教學觀摩會等方式來宣導資源回收及垃圾減量等環保概念。 |
They have performed rather extensively for tongji hospital ( kallang theater ) , singapore armed forces infantry day ( pulau tekong ) , ntu 20th anniversary , safti open house honorary guest dinner , president challenge charity ( orchard road ) , mindef parade day ( suntec city ) etc 他們曾經為同濟醫院、新加坡武裝部隊、南洋理工大學、武裝部隊訓練學院、總統挑戰慈善基金等團體或活動表演。 |
Thereafter , they happily carried home with them sample booklets and magazines to share with friends and relatives . fellow practitioners also distributed invitations for the open house at the pennsylvania center where they would be serving free vegetarian food 在賓州小中心即將開幕的邀請函也在現場贈送給來賓,歡迎他們蒞臨參與盛會,屆時將有免費的素食提供給大家品嘗。 |
The minute after a step traversed the hall ; the open house was too tempting for heathcliff to resist walking in : most likely he supposed that i was inclined to shirk my promise , and so resolved to trust to his own audacity 過了一分鐘,有腳步聲穿過大廳這開著門的房子對于希刺克厲夫是太誘惑了,他不能不走進來:大概他以為我有意不履行諾言,就決定隨心所欲地大膽行事了。 |
On february 9 , 2003 , the new york center celebrated the lunar new year with an open house for fellow practitioners and their relatives and friends , as well as for guests interested in the quan yin method who wished to learn more about master 2月9日,小中心舉行春節慶祝活動,并開放給外賓叁觀,除了同修的親朋好友外,也讓那些對觀音法門有興趣的人士有更多機會認識師父。 |
Like we did above these relational records should have conditions on them that only allow them to show the houses that are for rent or that are having an open house respectively 類似于前面我們的操作,這些relational records應該對它們有條件限制,只允許它們分別顯示出正在出售的系列和正開放的系列中。 |
We have rented a community center to accommodate the increasing number of convenient method practitioners . most of our activities , such as the open house events and celebrations are held there 由于越來越多人修方便法,我們就租了個社區活動中心,有許多活動如開放參觀與慶祝會都在此舉辦。 |
All teachers please coordinate with your class parents to have the open house display folders picked up and material properly arranged in the cafeteria first thing this saturday morning 請所有老師或負責的班級家長安排學校參觀日所需展示用品的領取?并于本周六一早置放于餐廳?以供展示。 |
This year was their 60th open house event , with the theme “ the true technology to open the doors for future broadcasting , “ presenting 30 items from their research results 在今年已是第60屆的技研公開會上,以“精準技術開拓未來的播放”為題,共發表了30項研究成果。 |
We re ok . this time , we just have a fully open house to help everyone . whoever is sincere , the master power will help this time , very generously 這次天國敞開大門,幫助所有的眾生,任何人只要有誠心,師父的力量都會幫忙,很慷慨,這個時代,上帝非常慷慨。 |
On january 1 , now , families hold “ open house ” so that their friends can visit them throughout the day to express good wishes for the new year 現在,到1月1日那一天,各家各戶都“開放門戶” ,以便朋友們隨時都可去看望,表達對新的一年的美好祝愿。 |